
Fee Schedule

Yearly Tuition: $3,960, includes orientation, courses, seminars, textbooks for courses, leadership track, and graduation.

Application: $25
Re-Admission: $25
Transcripts: $5 each

Full Time Student

Yearly Tuition (Two-year program): $3,960

  • Fall Term: $1,560

  • Winter Term: $1,200

  • Spring Term: $1,200

Part Time Student

Yearly Tuition (Four-year program): $1,980

  • Fall Term: $980

  • Winter Term: $500

  • Spring Term: $500


Some scholarships may be available to current students who meet established criteria. Inquire at the administrative office to receive further information and an application.

Course Materials 

All textbooks are included in the school’s tuition and will be available in the Administrator’s office the week before classes start.

Returned Checks 

A $25 charge will be levied for each returned check.

Payment Forms 

Cash, check, cashier’s check, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are acceptable forms of payment.


Refunds, if applicable, are in conjunction with a desire to withdraw from the program or due to dismissal.

Refunds will be given on the following scale:

  • 1st week of class – all but $300 after the first week of class, refunds will be based on the amount the student has paid for which he/she has yet to receive goods and services.

  • Refunds can be expected in the mail within two weeks after the letter for withdrawal was submitted.



MHLS admits students regardless of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin. Applicants must be at 17 years of age and have a high school diploma. Affiliation with Mount Hope Church or the Assemblies of God denomination is not required.


Each student must have an interview with the Mount Hope Leadership School Admissions Team once their initial application process is complete. The purpose of this interview is to meet the student face to face, clarify information previously submitted, obtain further information from the student, and to allow the student to ask questions. The Admissions Team is composed of both administration and faculty members from the Mount Hope Leadership School.

Notification of Acceptance 

After application materials (application, references, and copy of high school diploma) have been received, students will be notified by phone within two business days of their interview regarding their acceptance into Mount Hope Leadership School.

Audit Students 

Non-enrolled students are allowed to audit on a case-by-case basis granted only by the Academic Dean of Mount Hope Leadership School. No more than two courses can be audited within the entire program.

Transfer Students 

Transfer students are accepted through the same process as new students. Transfer of all Berean School of the Bible courses will be given based on an official transcript and grades above 2.0. To receive credit for Bible classes obtained at another institution(s), the student will be required to submit an official transcript(s) and course description(s) from that institution. Transcripts will be reviewed and decision made by the Academic Dean. A maximum number of 3 equivalent Bible courses can be transferred to Mount Hope Leadership School in order to receive a diploma.


Any student who has enrolled in Mount Hope Leadership School and has discontinued studies for more than one academic year must reapply for admission. Contact the administrative office for readmission application. A $25 non-refundable re-application fee is required, along with an interview by the Admissions Team.